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Madeline Walz
1 min read
Day 25: Write about leaving home.
Leaving for college

Madeline Walz
4 min read
Day 23: Rewrite a fairy tale from memory.
A retelling of Little Red Riding Hood.

Madeline Walz
1 min read
Day 3: Turn a Tweet into a haiku.
Not flash fiction, but still fun!
Image is from the tweet I used for my prompt.

Madeline Walz
1 min read
Day 2: Imagine that your protagonist has just turned into a statue. Describe his or her thoughts.
This is connected to Eternal and will become a scene in Anathema. It will not be released on its own.

Madeline Walz
3 min read
Julia invited Eric to Helen's party, but he's not there for the party. He needs help from Helen, the only person who knows his secret.
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